Binance New Cryptocurrency Listings

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It can be frustrating to miss an announcement on Binance while you're busy doing other things.

CryptoNotifs allows you to save time and money, rather than checking several times a day if one of your favorite cryptos is going to be listed on Binance, we allow you to directly receive an SMS in real time when Binance adds a listing announcement or a leverage contract on its site.

Simple, practical and without registration, you can subscribe using only your telephone number, this will not be transmitted or used for any purpose other than notifications of new announcements.

Your subscription takes effect on the day of your purchase, either for a period of 30 days or for a period of one year. At the end of this commitment, no renewal of the transaction will be made without your consent.
Don't miss any opportunities, be informed in real time of new listings on Binance directly by SMS.

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Prices :

Monthly : 2.80 Euros 2.39 Euros ≈ 2.58 USD

Annual : 25 Euros 20 Euros ≈ 21.60 USD

The prices take into account the price for the operation of the SMS service.

Monthly Annual